Sunday, September 8, 2024

How To Improve Skin Microbiome

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So The Bacteria On My Skin Is Good

Your Skin Has a Microbiome – Learn the Basics

Dr. Kara Fitzgerald says, From what we can tell, a healthy skin microbiome protects against infection in much the same way a good gut microbiome does, by crowding out overgrowth of pathogenic organisms.The typical modern lifestyle is full of things that can hurt the skin microbiome Stress, pollution, antibacterial beauty products, and unbalanced gut flora can all negatively impact your skin. Its important to keep your skin microbiome healthy it aids in skin healing, limits exposure to allergens and UV radiation, minimizes free radical damage, and keeps your skin plump and moist.

What Can Impact The Skin Microbiome

We know that microbial diversity and balance is crucial, but heres the thing: Most modern lifestyles arent exactly conducive to supporting it . In fact, some skin scientists now believe that an act as seemingly innocuous as washing our facesonce seen as the pillar of basic skin careis just the first item on a long list of things we do daily that can damage our skin flora.

According to Elsa Jungman, PhD, a skin scientist and founder of Dr. Elsa Jungman skin care, the skin flora is directly affected by our skin-care regimenswhich are sometimes too intense. I had been studying skin science for a very long time when suddenly, I noticed this boom of heavy skin-care routines, she says. Everybody was asking me about layering active ingredients and double cleansing, and I thought, Whoa, we need to take a step back. From what we understand on a biological level, this isnt doing our skin any good.

‘Weve never used so many products, and our skin has never been worse.’ Elsa Jungman, PhD

Chronic stress is a biggie, confirms Schulick. It increases the fight-or-flight hormone, cortisol, which can increase sebum production. This shifts the skins environment, he says, which in turn changes the composition of your skin microbiome. Dietary choices and lack of exercise can have a similar effect.

Oxy 229 Pf The Skin Care Ingredient To Revive Dull

Normal skin tends to mean few imperfections, barely visible pores, no severe sensitivity, and a radiant complexion. So is there a way to keep that healthy-looking glow? DSMs bioactiveOXY 229 PFis known to revive dull-looking skin by stimulating cell respiration and increasing cell viability and turnover. Our new studies show that due to its capacity to reduce sebum levels and minimize a common type of bacteria in the skin microbiome, it is also a novel option for preventing facial redness.

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Balance Your Skins Microbiome To Clear Acne

Nothings more exasperating than conspicuous breakouts. We all get them, and we all spend a lot of effort trying to avoid them. A daily diet of topical antibiotics and antimicrobials prescribed to combat acne may work for a time, but ultimately, they can disrupt the skins microbiome balance. Its now common knowledge that prolonged use of antibiotics kills off beneficial bacteria found in the gut microbiome, tipping the balance in favor of over-colonization by disease-causing pathogens. Similar to the guts microbial disruption-disease cycle, skin microbial dysbiosis can lead to skin problems ranging from redness, irritation, rosacea, rashes, eczema, resurgence of acne and adult acne to photosensitization.

Over-production of sebum draws another actor onto the acne stagethe microbe Propionibacterium acnes. P. acnes lives in the sebaceous glands and hydrolyses sebum into free fatty acids and propionic acid , thus greatly assisting in maintaining proper skin barrier function. A commensal microbe that inhabits all skin, healthy and acneic, alike, it only starts to become problematic when pores become clogged with excess sebum and dead skin cells. To add more complexity to the picture, new research reveals that there are some strains of P. acnes found in acneic skin that are not found in healthy skin, leading scientists to believe that not all species of P. acnescreate acnejust some strains.

Epibiome Beauty A New Level Of Skin Wellbeing

Skin Microbiome: How to Cultivate Good Skin Bacteria

At DSM, we believe that the interaction between the epidermis and skin microbiome has an important role to play in a holistic beauty regime. As this significance is still underestimated, we have taken a unique opportunity to combine two complimentary approaches:

  • MICROBIOME RESEARCH, which is deeply embedded in DSMs innovation culture

  • CORNEOCARE, DSMs approach to achieving the ultimate skin appearance and sensation by building a strong epidermal barrier.

Weve combined this expertise and our knowledge to create new innovative solutions under our EPIBIOME BEAUTY approachEPIdermal microBIOMEbeauty focuses on the interplay between the skin barrier and microbiome, to explore new ways to preserve, reinforce, and restore healthy skin at its root.

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What To Limit To Avoid Damaging Your Gut Microbiota

Digestive issues, skin issues, vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, chronic stress, and mental issues may be a sign that your gut is already in a state of dysbiosis. Which means there is an imbalance or overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

1) Limit Sugar and packaged foods. The first step to taking care of the gut microbiome is crowding out things that can lead to an overgrowth of bad bacteria, like refined, processed and artificial sugars. Artificial sweeteners can disrupt the gut microbiome, and have even been shown to increase glucose intolerance. High sugar consumption also accelerates aging and affects the overall health and appearance of your skin.

A general rule of thumb: If it looks like something your grandmother would eat, great. If it comes in a bag or a box, its best to limit it.

2) Cut Out Dietary Emulsifiers. Studies have also shown that emulsifiers can negatively affect the gut microbiome. Oil and water dont mix, so the food industry regularly uses emulsifiers to help mix ingredients in a variety of packaged foods. Emulsifiers have been shown to increase inflammation, disrupt the GI lining and the profile of your gut microbiome.

It is best to limit antibiotics except when absolutely necessary. The CDC estimates over 47 million antibiotics are over-prescribed for viral infections each year . They also show up in our food supply through mass factory farmed animals that are regularly fed a diet of antibiotics.

Microorganism Identification Methods: Culture Vs Nonculture Tools

The democratization of metagenomic technologies has induced a shift in interest related to human-associated microorganisms. The skin microbiota has been largely underestimated in terms of diversity, which has persisted because of culture techniques that induce bias due to the growth of microbes in artificial settings . To apply this kind of method for skin microbiome analyses, particular attention is needed at each step of the protocol, including the DNA extraction method, library construction, sequencing step , and subsequent analysis . Furthermore, advanced methods to isolate and cultivate difficult strains by reverse genomics have been recently proposed .

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Training And Communication With The Immune System

Skin commensal bacteria have a close relationship with host immune cells from the beginning of their life, and skin resident T cells are thus trained to respond to potential transitory pathogenic bacteria . Meisel et al. showed that the expression of 2820 genes was modulated in mice in response to microbial colonization. A notable proportion of these genes was related to the host immune response and showed roles in processes such as cytokine production, the complement cascade, and the signaling and homing of T cells. A specific strain of Staphylococcus epidermidis was shown to be able to produce 6-N-hydroxyaminopurine, which may confer protection against skin cancer .

Fig. 1

Skin microbiota, its roles, and its relationship with the immune system. The skin microbiota is composed of bacteria, fungi, archaea, viruses, and mites that are related to the immune system through dialog with resident dendritic cells resulting from complement activation. a The immune system is enhanced by the quorum-sensing process between bacterial populations, which can limit the overgrowth of potential pathogens, or by the production of certain antibiotics, such as lugdunin . Microbiotic homeostasis is dependent on the production of antimicrobial peptides both by bacteria themselves and by host cells, such as keratinocytes and sebocytes .

How Do Probiotics Work

CLEAR YOUR SKIN NATURALLY: Skin & Gut Health (Heal & Repair Your Skin & Microbiome)

Probiotics are live bacteria, healthy bacteria that provide many health benefits when consumed. Topical probiotics can have excellent skin health benefits when incorporated into your skin care routine.

Probiotics for your skin work similarly to those intended for gut health by restoring essential bacteria and rebalancing the skin microbiome. Growing research suggests that applying probiotic skincare helps get healthy microbes back into balance.

Basically, probiotic skincare aims to put good bacteria back on the skins surface to help balance and brighten the complexion. It also helps keep pH levels balanced and nurtures the skin microbiome.

The skin microbiome is still an emerging area of research compared to the gut, says Lauren Trahan, Director of Product & Innovation. But probiotics impact your microflora in two key ways: by occupying space on your skin and excreting metabolites.

Nonetheless, probiotics deserve a spot on your skincare routine.

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Wait Back Up What’s My Skin Microbiome Again

Your skin microbiome is the collective community of bacteria that live on the surface and in the layers of your skin. We often think of all bacteria as a bad thing, but good bacteria actually help to fight off infection, heal wounds, and keep acne at bay. They also function as the interface between your body and the environment. Your skin acts as a physical barrier that protects against harmful pathogens while providing a home to the good bacteria. Similar to those in the gut, your good skin bacteria carry out essential roles that defend us from germs and keep us healthy.

Yes Some Bacteria Is Actually Good For You

Although it might seem like using an antibacterial soap to get rid of bacteria on the skin’s surface would only be a good thing, these soaps don’t differentiate between good and bad bacteria they simply remove all bacteria! Accordingly, overusing antibacterial soap can actually cause an imbalance in the skin microbiome.

This can make you more susceptible to germs. Banishing good bacteria from your microbiome can play a role in flare-ups of rosacea, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and acne.

People who suffer from rosacea understand just how harmful a compromised skin barrier can be. Research published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology shows that an unbalanced microbiome may be linked to intestinal bacterial overgrowth, which causes an inflammatory response that leads to the development of rosacea.

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The Importance Of Hydration For A Balanced Skin Microbiome

Dry skin lacks water in the upper scaly layers, whilst the underlying layers are normally hydrated by the skins internal moisturizing mechanism. Resolving and preventing dryness in the scalp requires two approaches: Firstly, moisture must be directed to and kept where it is most needed. Secondly, it is important to work on the balance of those microbes that can trigger flaking and itchy skin. PENTAVITIN®works on both levels to boost the skins hydration power.

How Can Improving Your Skin Microbiome Prevent Acne

How to use skin microbiome to improve your complexion ...

You probably have heard the term microbiome before, typically in relation to your gut and the gut microbiome. Theres been a lot of hoo-hah in recent years about the importance of your guts microbiome, but did you know your skin also has its very own microbiome, too?

In fact, your skin is a pretty spectacular organ, not just because its the largest, but also because its so well connected to the rest of your bodys organs and systems.

Today, many experts are discovering that beyond what we already knew your skin could do, it may actually do so much more! Such intrigue! Lets dive deeper and learn more about this skin microbiome, shall we?

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Ready To Boost Your Gut Microbiome And Reduce Your Inflammation Holistically

As an integrative health and wellness coach, Ill help you optimize your health from a whole body approach. Together well work on eating more clean whole foods, reducing your inflammation, and lowering your stress so you can thrive and feel your best.

To get started, fill out this form to schedule a complimentary 30-minute health coaching consultation with me. Or learn more about how a healthy gut microbiome can lead to glowing skin in this blog post.

Why Is Having A Healthy Skin Microbiome Important

Having a healthy skin microbiome is important for many reasons. This largest organ in the body is responsible for:

Infection protection When healthy, the skin microbiome is the first line of defense against infection-causing bacteria, ensuring they remain at low numbers. It does this by keeping its pH at a level that prevents the growth of these bacteria.

Ensures effective communication The skin microbiome communicates with the immune system on a regular basis. Its this conversation that helps to regulate, strengthen, and improve the efficiency of both communities.

It shields us from environmental threats When running at optimal efficiency, skin not only helps with healing wounds but forms a skin barrier that shields us from allergens and helps lessen oxidative damage. The skin microbiome also regulates hydration as it protects from the damage caused by UV rays.

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The Skin Microbiome Starts Before And During Birth

A healthy skin microbiome appears to begin during and shortly after birth with a flurry of immune activity. Unfortunately, many of the modern practices surrounding birth may have a dramatic and unfortunate impact on gut bacteria.

Researchers at the University of California San Fransisco found that an important part of the skin microbiome is established within days of birth. Mainly, that within days of birth, there is a large amount of T-cell activity that creates tolerance in the immune system to the bacteria on the skin. This is a critical factor in the immune system knowing not to attack the normal and healthy bacteria on the skin.

Unfortunately, the wide use of antibiotics for mom during labor may have some big unintended consequences.

One major clinical implication of this study is giving antibiotics to a child in early neonatal life is likely a disservice because this will limit the amount and type of bacteria that is seen by the adaptive immune system and this could be linked to the development of autoimmune, inflammatory skin diseases later in life, said Rosenblum.

Logically, this could be part of the reason we are seeing a rise in skin related disorders and why the research in the movie Microbirth is even more critical! The research indicates that if this window is missed, it is difficult or impossible to recreate as an adult.

Heres the full text of the study if you want to read it.

What Are Prebiotics Probiotics And Postbiotics

DIY Health Tips ~ Microbiome Immune Boost for Lungs, Skin and Home ~ Part 1

Can you remember the first time you heard about probiotics? Thats something that I can recall. I was eight years old and my Russian grandmother was force-feeding me pickled cabbage with a spork because I wasnt feeling well. She said it had good bacteria to fight off the bad. While the words microflora and gut bacteria were still out of my lexicon until I moved to L.A., I always had a vision that various bacteria were needed to keep each other in-check.

When I moved to L.A., often recognized as the new age health mecca of the world, the importance of good gut health was seared into my brain like grill marks on a steak.

Now were into not only probiotics, but prebiotics and postbiotics, too. Whats the difference? In their journal on The Therapeautic Use of Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics to Prevent Nectrotizing Entercolitis, Dr. Ravi Patel and Dr. Patricia Denning identify the key distinctions:

  • Prebiotics: Supplements or foods that contain a non-digestible ingredient that selectively stimulates the growth and/or activity of indigenous bacteria. “Think of them like fertilizer or food for good bacteria,” says dermatologist Dr. Joshua Zeichner, who names thermal spring water and oat extract as commonly used prebiotic ingredients.
  • Probiotics: Supplements or foods that contain viable microorganisms that alter the microflora of the host.
  • Postbiotics: Non-viable bacterial products or byproducts from probiotic microorganisms that have biologic activity in the host.

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Why Is It Important For The Skin Microbiome To Stay Balanced

When it comes to the health of our skin microbiome, its especially important to focus on the health and diversity of our skin barrier. “It acts as a smart, protective shield whose main function is to serve as the bodys interface with the outside world,” explains Bowe. “When its healthy and functioning at its optimal capacity, it acts like a biodynamic membrane, constantly making decisions about what is allowed to enter the skin and what is blocked. A healthy barrier traps moisture in, and keeps irritants and potential pathogens out.” In other words, a healthy barrier protects against both inflammation and infection.

In contrast, when even one strain in our skin microbiome overgrows and starts to crowd out the others, this leads to “dysbiosis,” or an imbalance. Bowe calls this imbalance “leaky skin” and when it occurs, you begin to see problems in the skin. “Leaky skin can manifest in a number of different ways depending on the genetic predisposition of the person including as acne, eczema, rosacea, psoriasis,” explains Bowe. “But it can also can show up as sensitive skin and can even accelerate signs aging in the skin like loss of elasticity, uneven tone, and wrinkles.”

Benzoyl Peroxide Is The Number

Benzoyl peroxide is a powerful antimicrobial that is banned in the European Union in all over-the-counter skin care products. While BP is still approved for use in the U.S., the FDA has issued warnings about it: The use of certain acne products containing the active ingredients benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid can cause rare but serious and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions or severe irritation.

In addition to issuing warnings, the FDA has switched benzoyl peroxide from a Category 1 substance to its current status, Category 3, which means the safety is unknown.

Not only a serious allergy risk for a rare group of people, BP presents other problems for everyone who uses it.

BP accelerates aging:

  • Dries out most skin types and sometimes causes excessive dryness and flaking.
  • Generates free radicals that damage the skins structure and cellular DNA.
  • Strong exfoliant properties compromise barrier function, increasing vulnerability to free radical attack from environmental sources.
  • BP-generated free radicals slow the healing process of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, prolonging the presence of red and brown marks.

Strong bleaching agent/photosensitizer:

  • Benzoyl peroxide, a widely used free radical-generating compound, promoted both papillomas and carcinomas when it was topically applied to mice.
  • Skin tumor-promoting activity of benzoyl peroxide, a widely used free radical-generating compound

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